Mori Film Lab award of the month ! đ
Each month we select one of our favourite pictures taken by our customers and share it on our social media, in our newsletter and on our website âïž
This page is used to display the work of the past winners of the award of the month.
Want your work to be displayed here? All you have to do to be part of this competition is to tag us in your pictures on Instragram @morifilmlab.Â
January 2024
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @_hielit_!
« Jâai pris cette photo de lâartiste Blue Davis dans mon nouveau studio photo, utilisant mon Contax RTS avec un objectif Contax 85mm 1.4 et une pellicule Portra 160 exposĂ©e Ă 100 ISO. Jâai choisi cette combinaison pour les nuances verdĂątres dans les ombres et pour attĂ©nuer la tonalitĂ© orangĂ©e de la Portra. Je suis assez flexible dans mon style, jâexpĂ©rimente avec les contrastes, la composition et les couleurs, en accordant une grande importance aux Ă©motions ressenties lors de la prise de vue. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @steveneuville_!
« Prise Ă Paris avec mon Minolta Dynax 60 et une pellicule de Tri-X 400, jâaime lâĂ©nigme qui rĂ©side dans cette photo. Le bĂ©ton, dur, brut, mais qui semble ici si doux. Et cette Ă©chelle, qui n'a pas l'air d'ĂȘtre Ă sa place et rend le rythme de la façade trĂšs imparfait, mais qui fait pourtant prendre tout son sens Ă la vue et appelle Ă l'Ă©vasion. Jâadore partir Ă la recherche de ce genre de dĂ©tails et dâinstants, devant lesquels il serait facile de passer sans sâarrĂȘter mais qui une fois couchĂ©e sur la pellicule rendent des scĂšnes du quotidien presque surrĂ©alistes. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @yentlgijbels!
« My photographs reflect my state of mind. When I press the shutter it releases a certain energy or tension from my body and transfers it onto the film. It's only when I see the images afterwards that I'm able to reflect on them. They help me gain a better understanding of my inner and outer world and very often they show me something I was quite ignorant of.
I think I felt very cared for when I took this picture. Very secure. Although the balance of the stones is quite fragile and somewhat of an illusion. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @rebecca_blanc!
âCette photographie a Ă©tĂ© prise en septembre, depuis les hauteurs dâAgrigento en Sicile, avec mon Nikon F301. Elle sâinscrit dans mon univers chorĂ©graphiĂ© ; un certain regard que je pose sur ce qui mâentoure et une maniĂšre sensible dâĂȘtre au monde. Il sâagit dâun profond Ă©tat contemplatif de la nature et du vivant, dâune volontĂ© de capturer lâordinaire et de lâincarner poĂ©tiquement ainsi que de renforcer le lien qui mâunit Ă mon environnement."
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @eliseofletters!
âThis photograph was taken in Essaouira, Morocco, where the ocean waves crash against the fortress walls. I had spent a week writing in a room with sand blowing in through the windows, and caught this rare, serene moment on a roll of Portra 400 with my Canon AE-1. These moments of fleeting beauty seem to haunt my work, imbuing life with a sense of longing."
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @rob.thys!
âFor a long time I didn't even think of photographing my close environments. But in the course of last year I started to realize that some of your best shots can be found in your backyard. So during the summer I set a goal to try and find authentic places and landscapes that are recognizably Belgian. On one of these drives on a foggy November day I found this scene, took out my Pentax 6x7, loaded some Portra 400 and clicked the shutter."
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @lucie.smeets !
âLe temps devenait plus frais mais lâatmosphĂšre Ă©tait douce. JâĂ©tais accompagnĂ©e de mes 3 amis adorĂ©s, nous visitions les alentours du Luxembourg. Lâoeil toujours Ă lâaffut de jolies formes et silhouettes, lâargentique toujours Ă lâaffut dâun futur souvenir Ă capturer. Mon beau Canonet 28 a su capturer une silhouette parmi les formes. Et la pellicule Kodak 400 Tmax a su retranscrire ce mĂ©lange de nostalgie et douceur de ce moment devenu souvenir"
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @clem_brrz!
âJ'ai pris cette photo cet Ă©tĂ©, en vacances sur la cĂŽte ouest de l'Atlantique. J'ai shootĂ© avec mon olympus mju 80 et avec une de mes pellicules prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©, la gold 200. J'adore de plus en plus shooter au flash pour obtenir ce genre de rendu et je suis plutĂŽt content de celui-ci vu que c'Ă©tait la premiĂšre fois que je testais avec cette pellicule."
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @maelle_fo!
âCette photo a Ă©tĂ© prise cet Ă©tĂ©, durant le voyage oĂč mon appareil numĂ©rique a rendu lâĂąme. Me voilĂ donc Ă la dĂ©couverte des Dolomites avec mon Minolta Riva Zoom et une seule pellicule (heureusement ma prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e, une Ultramax) pour 3 semaines dans un des plus beaux endroits au monde, selon moi.
Bien que jâutilise normalement plus cet appareil pour des photos davantage spontanĂ©es, je suis trĂšs contente du rĂ©sultat!"
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @ezra.weill_filmprojekt!
â My partner Sofia has a project with a group of women exploring themes related to gender & how society influences their experiences of gender. This photo comes from the performance ''In the Name of Plenty". The spirit of the shoot was the play between the freedom I saw in the 3 women and the wilderness of the surroundings. I wanted to capture the resilience found within and the nature around them, creating echos between the inside-outside. I took this photo with my Mamiya 645 1000s on a roll of Kodak gold 120."
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @filmontoast!
â I took this photo using my Bronica SQ-A loaded with Kodak portra 160. We arrived at our desert camp for the night and while walking around the sand dunes, I saw this couple sitting on top of one of the dunes at small table with no one around. They were watching the sun setting over the Sahara desert and enjoying this surreal moment. The sun was still very bright so I could only see their shadows which made the whole scene super cool and I think it turned out well as a photograph. I love to travel, see new things and I guess I try to make other people travel with me through my photography. "
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @camloiseau!
« Gomera, 30 degrĂ©s, eau glacĂ©e et des amiâąes de longue date. Autour de mon cou, mon Olympus OM-10, sa sangle en cuir marquĂ©e par le sel et la transpiration. Ce clichĂ© est une sortie de route : celle des pellicules cramĂ©es sous les rayons X de lâaĂ©roport. Jâai lâimpression de tricher mais je finis par assumer : la retouche, le noir et blanc, le grain dâune image sous-exposĂ©e. Jây retrouve en filigrane la patte des photographes belges que jâadmire et qui mâont sans doute guidĂ©e : Christopher de BĂ©thune, Mathieu Van Assche, Simon Vansteenwinckel et la revue Tropical Stoemp. De l'ombre Ă la lumiĂšre et vice versa, embrasser ses Ă©checs pour les sublimer.»
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @enzoleroy_indissoc!
« Jâai pris cette photo avec mon Nikon Nikkormat FT, en utilisant de la Kodak Gold200 pendant un de mes sĂ©jours en Bretagne. Avec Anna et Haku nous nous baladons sur la Pointe de Feunteun Aod. Au sommet, nous nous arrĂȘtons dans cette lumiĂšre de fin dâaprĂšs-midi pour admirer lâocĂ©an Ă nos pieds. Et je capte ce moment de tendresse entre mes deux sujets photographiques prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @matthiashanssens!
« I am currently working on a project about my hometown where I grew up and started one of Brussels too. During the lockdown I started with taking long walks with my mamiya 645 and documenting things around me. I recently bought a mamiya 7 and this photo is one from the first roll that I tested with portra 400 in Brussels. I like to travel no matter where but mostly colours, shades and compositions appeals to me. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @tsasacha!
« J'avais dans mon Contax 139Q une pellicule Cinestill 800T Ă finir et j'avais envie de m'essayer Ă quelque chose que j'ai moins l'habitude de faire. Jâai appelĂ© des amis pour voir sâils Ă©taient partant pour un shooting et ça sâest fait spontanĂ©ment ! Il n'y avait pas de concept de base mais je savais que je voulais inspirer la froideur et l'unicitĂ© puisque j'aime lorsqu'un simple et parfois petit dĂ©tail vient apporter toute son esthĂ©tique Ă une photo. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @daphne_aul!
« Par l'Ćil de mon Minolta j'ai photographiĂ© Ă Flaine - station de sports d'hiver habillĂ©e dans les annĂ©es 70 par des artistes contemporains parmi les plus reconnus, cet immeuble dit en porte-Ă -faux conçu par l'architecte Marcel Breuer. Sa construction futuriste tirĂ©e d'un James Bond ou de Mon Oncle attire immĂ©diatement le regard. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @greg_evrard!
« Jâai pris cette photo Ă liĂšge en rentrant de soirĂ©e aprĂšs avoir ratĂ© mon train. Cette photo a Ă©tĂ© prise grĂące Ă mon canon AE-1 en utilisant une CineStill 800T, câest une combinaison que jâapprĂ©cie beaucoup ! Jâadore utiliser de la pellicule TungstĂšne pour capturer des moments du quotidien au grĂ© de mes ballades. »
- 2021
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab goes to @bluemymind203!
« I took this photo the last summer days in Crete this September with my new Mamiya 645 pro using a Kodak Porta 400 film.
I like capturing nature landscapes, nautical objects and people in them. The moments where they connect with themselves and nature.
Iâm trying to do so through my work with my jewelry, create shapes and textures inspired by nature that will bring us closer to our natural world and self. »
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @t.berhautÂ
âLe bain est une photo tirĂ©e dâune semaine passĂ©e sous le soleil catalan, lâĂ©tĂ© dernier, prise avec mon cher et vieillissant Minolta SRT101 chargĂ© de la bientĂŽt regrettĂ©e Kiro 400..â
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @tomaszcibulla_photography!
âThis picture was taken during a very foggy morning, not too far from my parents house in Poland. I equipped myself with two flims: A Kodak Vision3 800T for the Olympus, and a Rollei Retro 400, for the Konica. Since taking this, the Retro 400 has become my go-to roll for grey day shooting.â
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @denverdcl!
âI've been taking pictures on and off for the better part of a decade. Years of shooting digital left me unhappy with my results. I then embraced analogue photography, which quickly became my way of enjoying photography as I once did.Â
My trusty Rolleicord accompanies me on every trip I make. So it did in Porto. We got up at 5am to catch the first light at the beach. Armed with some delicious Ektar, I captured the things that caught my eye, the things that made that morning special to me. When it comes to photography there's a joy in letting go of perfection and following your mood."
And this monthsâ #morifilmlab award goes to... @michael.achard!
âI shot this picture with my Nikon FM2 and a 35mm Nikkor lens. It was loaded with a roll of Fuji Superia 400 film and taken during the 1st photowalk organized by Mori Lab.
I could not describe my style easily, I just like to grab my film camera on any occasion to shoot what sparks my attention. I rarely go out with a specific idea. However, I always try to work on my compositions with attention to detail. I use what the environment provides me to practice. Lately, I also started to do street portraits which I enjoy a lot."
This monthâs #morifilmlab award goes to... @ruvecht!
This picture was shot on Kodak Portra 800 with a Miranda Sensomat RS.  âJâaime rĂ©aliser des images avec mes petites sĆurs. GĂ©nĂ©ralement on part dans des prairies et on passe de bon moment, des moments qui seront inoubliables Ă jamaisâ
This monthâs #morifilmlab award goes to... @andre_motions !
This picture was shot with a Mamiya C220 using Portra 400 «I photograph things and scenes that grab my attention and come together in an interesting way during my photo walks, could it be urban landscapes or untouched nature.»
This monthâs #morifilmlab award goes to... @ukrainian_mark !
This picture was shot on Kodak Ektar 100 with an Mamiya RB67 Pro SD and a 180mm KL lens. âIâve shot candid portraits of strangers since Iâve discovered film photography, now Iâm diving into posed portraiture and experimenting with available light, here is my first attemptâ