We’ve been working really hard for the past 6 months and now is time for us to take a little bit of time off.
To avoid closing for a whole month we’ve decided to alternate our personal holidays.
This means turnaround will be a bit longer than usual.
Turnaround time until September:
✅ Colour dev and scan: up to 2 days
✅ BW dev and scan: Wednesdays and Saturdays with scan sent out latest the (working) day after.
✅ Negative pick up: 4 days after receiving scans.
Apart from than that we will remain open for you to come buy film, cameras or just say hello. 👋
We will also continue to fulfil and send all online orders.
24/08 - 28/08 - Closed for holidays 🏄♂️ (dropbox only 📮):
The lab will also take a small week off at the end of August.
We will use this time to do some maintenance on the system and machines and continue working on the darkroom. 🛠
The order cut off Saturday is on the 21st at 6pm.
All colour orders dropped off before that will be fulfilled.
All black and white dropped off on the 21st before midday will be fulfilled
Developing will resume on Tuesday the 31st of August.
During this time both our dropboxes will be available and emptied regularly. This will allow you to have you film first in the queue for when we reopen.